The Marina is made up of the external east pier with 4 arms and a western pier. Inside there is another pier (inner east pier) partly quay.
There are 3 piers for pleasure craft, managed by the Corallo nautical club (150 seats) and 2 by the Italian Naval League (300 seats).
Boats with a maximum length of 15/20 m can be parked in transit according to seat availability Dangers: from May to September fog banks with prevailing winds from SE; it is dangerous to stop in the immediate vicinity of the port; pay attention to fishing boats leaving the port from 00.00 to 4.00 and inbound from 13.00 to 18.00.
Access time: continuous.
Access: if more ships arrive, the waiting area is about 1000 m from the eastern pier head; it is possible to cover in m 15 with water by detecting the green light (3001) of the eastern pier for 059 °. Sea bottom: muddy and sandy.
Backdrops: on the quay from 1 to 6.5 m; in port from 5 to 7 m Radio: Vhf channel 16 (Circomare); vhf channel 12 (Lega Navale); Č.B. channel 14 (Circolo Nautico Corallo). Berths: 600. Maximum length: 40 m.
Prohibitions: fishing in the port area; do not exceed the speed of 3 knots in port. Nearest safe havens: Baia di Renella (Capo S. Marco) with Libeccio winds, with Scirocco winds to the west of Capo San Marco.
37°30',05 N 13°04',52 E
To contact the port
VHF canale 16 (Circomare)
VHF canale 12 (Lega Navale)
CB canale 14 (Circolo Nautico Corallo)
E-mail: sciacca@guardiacostiera.it
Telephone: 0925-22219
Marina Service
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Village of the fishermen
Borgo Marinari
Night Life
Night life
Marina - Yatch club
Porto Turistico
Commercial Port
Porto Commeriale
Old Town
Citta vecchia
Boat Service
Centro Nautico
Center City
Life Guard
Guardia Costiera
Fuel Station